Franz Lang Bau- und Industriemontage GmbH
Friedrich-Werber-Straße 1
78315 Radolfzell
phone: +49 (0) 7732 | 98 87 00
Fax: +49 (0) 7732 | 98 87 01
Franz Lang Bau- und Industriemontage GmbH is represented by the managing director Franz Lang.
The company is registered at the register court Freiburg HRB 702720.
Responsible for content according to § 6 MDStV: Franz Lang
VAT ID: DE 257581072
1. content of the web presentation
The operator assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information available in the online offer. Liability claims against the author relating to material or immaterial damage caused either by the use or non-use of the content provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete content are excluded, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on the part of the operator. All offers are subject to change and non-binding. The operator expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete individual pages or the entire online offer without prior notice or to discontinue the offer for a definite period of time.
2. references and links
In the case of direct or indirect references to other, above all external Internet pages, hereinafter also referred to as “links”, which lie outside the responsibility of the operator, a liability obligation would only come into effect if the operator was aware of the content and information on the pages and it was both technically possible and reasonable for him to prevent use in the case of illegal content and topics.
The author therefore expressly declares that at the time of linking the corresponding pages were free of illegal and unlawful content and offers. The operator also has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design and alignment of the content of the linked pages. He therefore expressly distances himself from the content of all linked websites that have been changed since the link was set up. This statement refers to all links and references set in the operator’s own Internet presentation as well as to all entries in guest books, discussion forums, pin boards and mailing lists set up by the operator. For illegal, incorrect or incomplete information and in particular for damages arising from the use or non-use of such content, only the provider of the website to which reference was made by means of a link shall be liable, but not the party who merely refers to the respective online offer by means of a link.